sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

Sábado, 30/05/09 nos despedimos de dos semanas intensas en Jyvaskyla, las cuales hemos tenido la oportunidad de conocer tanto diferentes personas como ver una nueva metodología de estudios en la que probablemente sea tan revolucionaria que cuando se extienda por el mundo, puede que sea incorporada en muchos centros educativos.

Estas dos semanas me han dado pie a reflexionar sobre la importancia del trabajo en grupo y sobre los grandes beneficios que se pueden obtener con disciplina y un poco de empatia, respeto, humildad, responsabilidad…al fin y al cabo, son cosas intangibles que no requieren de ir a universidad ni de tener grandes cantidades de dinero, o de ser más inteligente que otro, sino que son conceptos que todo el mundo puede lograr da igual su posición social. Solo require un poco de esfuerzo personal; nada más.
Me gusta una definición que dijo en su día Henry Ford, que dice “Reunirse es el principio; mantenerse unidos es progresar; trabajar unidos es triunfar”, frases tan interesantes como estas y muchas más se pueden encontrar en el libro que recomiendo que se llama GRANDEZA PARA CADA DÍA, escrito por Stephen R.Covey.

Por lo que hoy para hacer una reflexión sobre la importancia de la cooperación, me gustaría centrarme en un ejemplo, se trata del F.C Barcelona, los que me conozcan, sabrán lo que siento por este club que ha hecho historia con su triplete.
Estos triunfos no serían nada sin la unidad de un equipo al que se ha mantenido firme durante una temporada y no se ha tratado a uno mejor que a otro.
Es cierto que dentro de la entidad existen jugadores con más peso que otros, como en cualquier empresa, sin embargo todos han sido tratados de un modo uniforme.

Al principio, de la temporada se demostró que grandes jugadores, sin espíritu luchador y con ganas de un beneficio o protagonismo solo individual, no tenían cabida en un bloque en el que sus pilares eran cooperación y superación. Con lo que se podía ir intuyendo de que nadie podría llegar a algo a menos de que cada uno llegase.
Por lo que fue una decisión difícil, echar a dos grandes jugadores, me refiero tanto a Ronaldinho como a Deco.
Pero muchas veces si quieres triunfar tienes que tomar medidas con gran nivel de riesgo, a veces saldrán bien y “chapó”; pero pueden que también salgan mal, y en esos momentos son cuando tienes que levantar la cabeza y “disfrutar de ese sufrimiento”.

Dentro del club, se estableció un código interno, se trata de una ley que rige el vestuario y que regula el comportamiento de los jugadores, de modo que cualquier retraso no justificado o comportamiento inadecuado serían sancionados, un código aplicable a todos y cada uno de los jugadores.
Es cierto que, en el otro extremo de un codigo interno se encuentra la autogestión, donde cada uno es capaz de “controlarse” a si mismo, sin embargo y en mi opinión, por lo menos, al principio de cada actividad que se quiera iniciar o poner en marcha, creo que es necesario establecer unas conductas mínimas para que nadie los sobrepase. Ya que sea cual sea, lo que se quiere iniciar, bien sea un modelo deportivo, una empresa…..existen gentes de diferentes madres y los valores de las personas no están en el mismo lugar, ni son los mismos.

Durante la temporada, ha tenido sus altibajos, y su pequeñísima crisis, pero que se supo recomponer y sacar beneficio y aprender de ese pequeño tropiezo.

Resumiendo la temporada, tengo que decir que ha sido casi perfecta, y que ha sido un equipo elogiado en todo el mundo, y parte de ese éxito se debe a la humildad de un grupo a que no ha bajado la cabeza en ningún momento y no se le ha subido la fama cuando iban bien, ni se han hundido cuando las cosas no iban del todo bien.

El final….. ya lo sabe todo el mundo, por lo que, pienso, que lo importante es el esfuerzo, la cabeza fría cuando se requiera y sobre todo el concepto de unidad como grupo y en cuanto los éxitos…..los éxitos ya vendrán.

Karmelo vicente

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

More pic about pain days:

Today, has been the tortures days or pain days, all the teams are showing their product inside T.A in a kind of established, and the students were visiting each products.
Inside this idea are dreams, plans, ambitions, vision..that they are developing everyday.
It was kind of Expo.

Mikel and me presented the IGNITION´s event, it has been a special case because this one is not an “new” products, however we wanted to present something and this one was a great idea.

We usually have lunch at 11:00 o´clock, in Finland is very common to have at this time, then at 16:00 or 17:00 they have a lunch, and before sleeping, maybe they eat some fruit.
We can have lunch at 11:00, but we can´t take a dinner at 16:00, is allmost impossible.
Sometimes we also do “brunch” breakfast and lunch at the same time.

So, after eating one team had to present the other teams products, but now, over all Team Academy, and above a stage.
For example, One team called Manifant, have to present Cromita´s(another team) product. But not with power point or in serious ways, but with a humour and having fun.
I have to say, that we didn´t present IGNITION, however Kaisu told to me, that I must take part in their “show”….
I had to walk like a model to the scenario, showing a paper, and then answer to a question… It has been funny, because in our environment is not common to “having fun” during the university classes, you should be silent, and in T.A is very, very different…

Tomorrow, this products must be presented to customer in the morning, and they must do all they can to sell this products, because in the end is the aim of every company sell their products, and generate wealth.

Grandes palabras de kipling:

“si piensas que estas vencido, lo estas, si piensas que no te atreves, no lo harás;si piensas que te gustaría ganar pero no puedes, no lo lograras; si piensas que perderás, ya has perdidoporque en la vida encontraras que el éxito comienza en la voluntad del hombre, todo esta en el estado mental porque muchas carreras se han perdidoantes de haberlas corridoy muchos cobardes han fracasado antes de haber su trabajo empezado, piensa en grande y tus hechos crecerán,piensa en pequeño y quedaras atrás piensa que puedes y podrástodo esta en el estado mental. Si piensas que estas aventajado, lo estas tienes que pensar bien para elevarte tienes que estar seguro de ti mismoantes de intentar ganar un premiola batalla de la vida no siempre la gana el hombre mas fuerte o el más ligero porque tarde o temprano, el hombre que gana es aquel que puede creer hacerlo


lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

So much time without writing…it explains how busy we are now…

The last week we received the visit of Juanjo, the Mondragon English teacher, that has come to Jyvaskyla, to know more deeply about T.Academy.

On Friday, we were in Tampere, but this time not to visit, but to meet with a ProAkatemia student, in a international training session.
The aim of this session was to discuss about collaboration, between this two “teamwork”, as much of their projects are similar. We were talking about a project that could be developed together, in this case was about a programme where students around the world have the possibility to know Team Academy and Proakatemia´s methodologies, and also the surroundings of Jyvaskyla, Tampere and Helsinki.

In this visit Mondragon University also get some agreements, I mean, Juanjo was talking to Jukka, about the possibility to send some Basque student to Tampere, concretely to TAMK, the university of Tampere.
Also, the last week we were said(mikel and me) to make the marketing plan of IgNitioN.
Ignition is a kind of “trip” around Team Academy, and surrounds of Jyvaskyla when you can deeper in this World of new methodologies , way of learning’s and learning by doing….also you can get the possibility to know another students from another countries, and of course having Fun!! It is focused in students between 18-25 years old.
If you are interested in T.A and you are teacher or you are over 25 you can visit it, in a programme called Learning Expedition.

Till now, we could say that we have a rough idea about methodologies, way of learning and working(projects) training sessions, coaches (more or less)…. Besides, we have been inside several offices like Crocodiili, Cromita, Manifant, Unelmania and the opportunity to know his and her members. And of course the great MoNkeY BusiNeSS members!!

I have to say, that I remember Intotalo´s people. We are thinking how to spend our last two weeks in Kajaani, maybe reflecting like Buddhist monks…or we will see.

Today, Kaisu has come to her Home Sweet Home Team Aademy. He has been speaking with everybody.
Kaisu and Hiro are two Team Academy students they have been working in Ametsen Ekaitza´s event held in the end of April.
I have been the opportunity to speak about some T.A students, and they said me that they are willing to go to Basque Country, and take part in this event.

“Muere lentamente quien no viaja, quien se transforma en esclavo del hábito, quien no arriesga lo cierto por lo incierto para ir detrás de un sueño” Pablo Neruda


viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

We have been in Kajaani like two months, and we think that it would be a good idea to move to another city, and enjoy of this experience that we are living.
I strongly think that you have to do your place, your friends, your sweet home and all those things, but also think that the people should open their minds and travel around different cultures, countries and have the opportunity to meet different kind of people, that maybe one day can help you. Because of that more and more benefits, I encourage the people in open their minds and be open to live different situations…

Sunday at 21:00 we took the train to Tampere, but first the train had to stop in Oulu, finally at 6:00a.m we arrived to Tampere, Sari´s city.

We spent almost all the morning looking for any hotel, we had gone without any reservations. The hotels were very expensive or were full of people, but at least we find an hostel, called Sophia, where we pay 26€.
At 17:15 o´clock I was called by Sari, where 45 minutes later we were going to meet.
She was in Hopemyrsky event with another T.Academy people, and with Heidi and of course with our coach Nic.
So, at 18:00 o´clock we meet with Sari, in the train station, and after speaking about some things, and showing some confidencial photos(Sari knows), we went to a Mexican restaurant where Sari friends were.
This friends are from Monkey Business. Monkey Business guys studied in Team Academy and now they have their own company.
We spoke and shared some experiences while we were having the dinner.
After that we went to a bar to take some drinks where 20 minutes later Nic came.
We were speaking about our worries, ideas, how we thought that should be focus LEINN degree…..
It was a great and funny day.
The following day we were in Pro Akatemia(Tampere), is like a Team Academy, however here, the first university year was spent in one university and then they have the choice of going to Proakatemia.
We met Jukka Siltanen, he is coach and nice person, he showed us the different places were the student undertake their projects,
Also we had the opportunity to be in a meeting where a customer was speaking about his enterprise. This customer order to the student to make 3 slogans, a web design, an one logo, in 24 hours.
If the customer was satisfied, he must pay them (the student), if not the student must pay the customer for spend his time with them.
Proakatemia take place in three rooms, the first one is where the meetings rooms are given, and where you can sit to take the coffee.
The other one is where the student have their own place work, and they are working in different projects.
And the third one is a place where student from different university can go share their ideas and make projects together.

Then, about 12:00 we went with Nic, to Jyvaskyla, to TEAM ACADEMY.
Team Academy is another feeling comparing with a traditional university that maybe you can not understand what is happening, is like a chaos!! Some people are speaking; others are putting some chairs in another room, other playing with the ball, other in the sofas….it ´s funny.
So, we entered in Team Academy, and we were talking with some coaches, students….and Lasse was showing us the different areas inside T.A.
It has two flats, and in this flat are some places for the different groups, each group has its own name, and 15-20 people per group.
T.A is looks like a big factory adapted to students needs, feelings, wilings…
While we were walking around T.A we could see how each group had their own sofas, music, coffee maker, papers in the wall….
Today, 14/05/09, Thursday, we have been in a training session. Trainins session is a meeting with your coach where you can explain you what ever you want. In this session has been spoken about Motorola questions, learning, how to innovate, and above all economical result so far.
The coach has been mainly guiding the session, but not giving a class.
Then, I have been speaking with some student explaining my project about sustainable development, also talking about their projects, how is their way of working, so sharing our ideas, and feelings.
Also, we have meet Johannes Partanen, the headcoach of Team Academy, however, I think that he was so busy because he had to give a meeting about friendship a leadership.
In my opinion, it´s another kind of learning, where you have the opportunity to work with the real market, with real customers….besides you must to “leave” with your team partners and use the empathy to have a nice relation.
I think, that a lot of conditions are needed to go on in the projects, that without knowing you are making stronger yourself.
