miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

Our last two weeks we are spending in Kajaani, in a student apartment.

I know, that maybe this kind of apartment are only for Finnish student, however, nowadays there are 9 people living in this apartment, and 7 of them are from Spain, yes, 5 from Galicia, 2 from Basque Country and two from Finland.

I mean, in our student apartment there are three buildings, one is empty, in the other one are the 5 guys from Galicia, and we are with Finnish guys in another building.
The point is that we have been here almost two months and everything was written in Finnish.
When we sign up the contract of the apartment was written in Finnish, was Anne the one who help us to understand the contract terms.
Yesterday, in the bathroom there was a paper was written also in Finnish, so we couldn’t understand what meant. We had to ask our flat mate what it meant.
The “boss” of the apartment speaks English; besides we are 7 people who don’t know anything about Finnish.

We are quite good in the apartment, so I can´t complaining about that. However, I think that if some company or what else be, want internationalize the first think that they should do is not only speak another language, but also reflects in their action in this case, also in the web page….

“Oh, Gran Espíritu, ayúdame a no juzgar a alguien hasta que haya caminado dos semanas en sus mocasines” - Oración de los Indios Sioux


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